We stopped for lunch with Bernard from the Contessa 26 “Little Minute”. The weather couldn’t have been better for a swim all almost out of sight of all land…
It is so flat is looks like an ocean-sized swimming pool. I am envious! Didn’t think you’d have time to post with your upcoming voyage so I had not visited your page for a while. The new look is great. Happy sailing!
Thanks for the compliments, Drew! I have been posting because the owner of the boat really wants me to write things about the voyage and I have time to do so because, unlike when I am on my boat, there is a satellite connection to allow me to post while underway. Seems like a good use of technology to me!
It is so flat is looks like an ocean-sized swimming pool. I am envious! Didn’t think you’d have time to post with your upcoming voyage so I had not visited your page for a while. The new look is great. Happy sailing!
Thanks for the compliments, Drew! I have been posting because the owner of the boat really wants me to write things about the voyage and I have time to do so because, unlike when I am on my boat, there is a satellite connection to allow me to post while underway. Seems like a good use of technology to me!